Buying and Selling Jewelry at a Pawn Shop

Jewelry pawn shop nearby(authentic pieces – not costume jewelry) generally yields the highest amount of cash at a pawn shop. Especially if it’s made of precious metals, like gold or platinum. It may also feature precious gemstones like diamonds. Whether or not a ring is worn or broken, it’s still likely to hold value.

Aside from jewelry, pawn shops typically accept a wide variety of electronics. They may sell televisions, audio systems, video game consoles and laptops. Some may even sell large appliances, like refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves.

Jewelry Pawn Shop Nearby: Find Local Trusted Services

While it’s important to research a pawn shop before you bring in an item for appraisal, be sure to have your items checked by a professional appraiser as well. Using the pawn broker’s recommended appraiser can be risky. Make sure to have your own respected, certified appraiser picked out ahead of time. This will help ensure that any disagreements over the item’s valuation are resolved by a neutral third party.

Some pawn shops will even offer to buy your jewelry or other items on the spot, providing they’re of high enough value and in good condition. This can be a great way to get rid of unwanted jewelry, get an upgrade on your engagement ring or find a rare collectible.

Located in the heart of the Diamond District, Manhattan Buyers is a time-tested pawn shop offering top dollar for jewelry and coins. Aside from their stellar reputation, Manhattan Buyers is renowned for its knowledgeable and friendly staff. Its main appraiser, Arthur Abrams, is a veteran of the pawn shop industry with over 15 years of experience.